I do care about people, I am concerned when I see a person consumed by consumerism and lost in the information age. I try to help who I can, and support others who do the same. Where I absolutely must draw the line is when it comes to bringing in the big "G" word -- Government.
Government has become a religion in this country. It grows out of chaos and conflict. Whether it is actual war, or a pervieved threat, like German and Japanese Americans, Blacks and their civil rights, whites and their cultural imperialism.
Everywhere today, and all through modern history there has and is a "war" being fought. Whether its soldiers, Mother Nature, black youth, unborn babies, gays, illegal immigrants, drugs being killed off or attacked, there is always someone somewhere telling us we need to fight the good fight and vote "X" for president.
I'm about sick of having to choose between poor and mediocre, knowing that half the country isn't going to like the decision any of us made. I see bumbper stickers that say "Don't blame me, I voted for Kerry." Whether reaslizing it or not, people who have those stickers and think like that are blaming half the country for whatever problems they are going through.
The problem is not with the other half of the country... its with the whole country. If we seriously believe that Democrats can do a better job if given the chance, or that Republicans will clean this place up once the Clintons are out of the White House, we have another thing coming.
Straight up: Americans worship the political system because we have faith it will one day work if we keep the present course. Americans worship at the alter of the Executive Branch, placing out hope and faith in the Office of the President to save this nation from itself (or rather the other half of the country which we dont consider to be part of the "itself" we need saving from).
Finally, we have committed idolatry and unfaithfulness in the eyes of the One True God for believing anyone but He could save any one of us or an entire nation from itself.
Should racism, sexism, and all forms of discrimination against people because of their differences end in this country, yes. Should people give 10% or more of their gross salaries before taxes to the benefit of society, yes. Should people stop having abortions and divorces, prefering to have children with a spouse and keep him or her and raise the child into a productive, and moral member of society, yes. Should debt be hard to get into, and easy to get out of, yes.
Should it be the responsibility of a government that changes leadership every 2 and 4 years, and which employs over 1 million people in a bureaucracy that is impersonal and slow to change? No.
This is the problem with our candidates. It is the problem with us. We want to hear someone say they can fix all these things, because we want them fixed... but had we ever stopped to think whether or not we were asking the right people to solve the problem we might have realized that all the politicians cared about was how many votes and dollars could be won by saying exactly what we want to hear.
"You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments."
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